Our Annual Report for 2023
NIS Annual reports
Annual Report 2022
Our annual report is attached below, detailing financial accounts, the Chair’s report and our activities for the past year. Order free hard copies here Funding AppealPlease consider supporting our work with a regular or one-off donation Donate here
Annual Report 2021
Review our activities and finances during 2021
Annual Report 2020
How did Nuclear Information Service fare in the past year during the pandemic? Read the Chair’s report and review our activities and finances for the past year – You can download a PDF below or order a free hard copy
Annual Report 2019
2018 Annual Report
Our Annual Report for 2018 contains the Chair's report, a summary of our activities during the year as well as our financial reports detailing how we have spent our grants and donations.
Annual Report 2016
Annual Report 2015
Our annual report for 2015 is now published and available to download here. We hope you find it useful as a round up of our recent activities and achievements as well as providing our financial report for last year.
Annual Report 2014
The Nuclear Information Service annual report for 2014 is available to download here. We hope you find it of interest and that you will continue to offer your invaluable support for NIS and our work.
Annual report 2013
In 2013 Nuclear Information Service made significant progress with our core work of monitoring and reporting the risks and costs of the UK’s nuclear weapons programme. The Atomic Weapons Establishment remained an important area of our work, and during the year we highlighted issues relating to structural deterioration of a uranium processing building, the UK-France 'Teutates' treaty for co-operation on warhead science, and AWE's court appearance and fine following a fire in 2010.
Annual Report 2012
The Nuclear Information Service Annual Report for 2012 gives a summary of the research and education work we have carried out over the year. As always, the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), which is where the UK's nuclear weapons are manufactured, was an important focus of our work. We commissioned a detailed study into emergency planning arrangements at AWE sites and also published a report scrutinising the working of the AWE Local Liaison Committee which made a number of recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the Committee's work.
Annual Report 2011
2011 was another busy year for Nuclear Information Service, and we have continued to make good progress in our programmes for undertaking high quality research and advocacy work and for developing as an organisation.
As usual, much of our work during the year focused on the scrutiny of operations at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) and its sites at Aldermaston and Burghfield where the UKs nuclear weapons are designed and made, as well as the broader UK nuclear weapons programme.