Friday 10 November 7pm in Reading
A discussion on issues related to the forthcoming documentary film ‘Downwind’, which chronicles the impacts of over 900 UK and US nuclear weapons tests since the 1950’s on the indigenous communities and lands of Nevada.
Our main speaker will be Principal Man and Secretary of State for the Western Shoshone Nation of Indians, Ian Zabarte. We will hear the stories behind the making of the documentary which is narrated by Martin Sheen and features Michael Douglas, and the continuing impacts of the tests and struggle for justice for people affected.
We will also hear from activists Lorna Richardson and Jane Gregory from Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp who travelled to the Nevada Test Site to obstruct a British nuclear test. There will be opportunities for audience questions and the documentary trailer will be shown. The film is released in the US but UK release is now scheduled for 2024.
Venue: The main hall at RISC (Reading International Solidarity Centre) 35-39 London Street, Reading RG1 4PS, Friday 10 November 7pm – Free entry, no need to book – Refreshments available – access from rear car park through alley by the World Shop. This event is part of the Reading International Festival programme 2023 and is accessible.
This event follows on from our webinar at 2pm on the same day ‘The legacy of nuclear colonialism’ (registration required).
This event is hosted jointly by Nuclear Information Service and Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp. Enquiries to

Ian Zabarte
Principal Man and Secretary of State for the Western Shoshone Nation of Indians is the main speaker
Jane Gregory and Lorna Richardson of Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp will also speak about their peaceful protest at the Nevada Test Site in 1990.
The event is chaired by Ailsa Johnson, Chair of Nuclear Information Service board of directors and member of Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp.
Trish Whitham will give an Introduction to Nuclear Information Service.