NIS UPDATE 7 December 2006
Special Planning Committee Meeting
A Special Eastern Area Planning Committee meeting is to be held for the New Office Accommodation (NOA) application 06/02326/comind at AWE Aldermaston. The 'COMIND' suffix is an abbreviation for ‘commercial industrial’ and refers to the major application for two office blocks of 21,000 sq m to accommodate 1,500 new staff on the site behind the new laser. The meeting is to be held on Monday 22nd January 2007 and is likely to be in the West Berks Offices in Market Street, Newbury. [Time and location to be confirmed in January.]
On 14 th November 2006 Aldermaston Parish Council agreed to return Objections on the grounds of traffic impact. It was also agreed that the following conditions be sought should the application be approved:
a) Construction phase haul routes to avoid Aldermaston village
b) S106 money for projects on the list already communicated to WB by the Chairman
c) S106 money for improvements to the junction of Winkworth lane and Silchester Road.
Secret Facilities?
Along with other Objections, this local opposition to the plan may be grounds for the whole
Project to be more closely examined. One question that has not bee satisfactorily answered concerns the colossal ‘ East and West Plant Rooms’ on each floor of both buildings. What are they for? They are in addition to an appropriate sized plant room plus smaller ones and several ‘facilities support’ rooms on each floor. AWE has refused to give any details of what the end of each building is reserved for, which is strange. If they are for central heating, air conditioning and so on – why not say so?
The plans can be viewed at
Modular office buildings app. 06/02423/RESMAJ
There have been objections to the smaller modular office building although not from Aldermston Parish Council who agreed to return No Objections. Currently, West Berks Planners do not have a date when this application may go to a Planning Committee. It is due to expire on the 3rd of February next year.
No Crown Immunity
The Local Planning Authority are now the determining authority as there is no longer any Crown Immunity. This means that the application can be refused, just as the development plan on the other side of Paices Hill has been refused for housing.
Public Inquiry
The Public Inquiry into the suitability of land opposite the AWE ‘citadel’ for house building on the old Banger Racing Site is scheduled to take place on 6-9 and 13-14 February 2007 in the Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury, starting at 10am each day. There is an opportunity to speak that is best lodged on the first morning in person unless you have written to the Bristol office of the DoDPM.