EDMS: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty & NPT



Marsden/Paul  That this House notes that the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, which  bans nuclear test explosions, was finally signed in 1996 after more than  40 years of effort and that, to date, 174 states have signed, of which 120 have ratified; notes with deep regret that this treaty has still not entered into force; urges all states that have not yet signed or ratified to do so without further delay and to refrain from any behaviour injurious to the treaty; and further urges those states that have ratified to examine ways of advancing the cause of the treaty by
pursuing such options as provisional entry into force.


Smith/Llew  That this House warmly welcomes the national tour being conducted in  February and March by the veteran and inveterate peace campaigner, and  CND Vice-President, Bruce Kent, to draw attention to the Nuclear  Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference taking place in New York in  May; supports the theme of the tour, as organised by the Campaign for  Nuclear Disarmament, to build the conditions to 'Abolish all nukes now',  recognises that the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) has since  1968 formed the basis for a near universal non-proliferation regime,  with a commitment to nuclear disarmament at the heart of this; recalls  that under the NPT, the nearly 200 non-nuclear weapons states promised  not to obtain nuclear weapons in exchange for disarmament by existing  nuclear weapons states, which unfortunately has not been implemented  despite the requirements of Article Six of the NPT upon the nuclear  weapons signatory states, comprising the UK, US, Russia, China and  France; recalls that, at the 2000 NPT Review Conference, the nuclear  weapons states made 'an unequivocal undertaking' towards nuclear  disarmament and agreed on 13 steps towards disarmament; and calls upon  the Government to honour this commitment.

Jackson/Glenda  Dalyell/Tam  Mahon/Alice  Wareing/Robert N  Sedgemore/Brian  Griffiths/Win  Flynn/Paul  Cohen/Harry  Campbell/Ronnie  Fisher/Mark  Gerrard/Neil  Clapham/Michael  Francis/Hywel  Davidson/Ian  Iddon/Brian  Wood/Mike  Jones/Lynne  McCafferty/Chris  Turner/Desmond  Gibson/Ian  Abbott/Diane  Perham/Linda  Cryer/Ann  Vis/Rudi  McDonnell/John  Robertson/Angus  Doughty/Sue  Barnes/Harry  Corbyn/Jeremy  McNamara/Kevin 


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