November 2009.
Tag: Ainslie Archive
‘English Text, Appendix M 3 to the Bid At BEP Head St and B armed forces Rossiys.’
‘English Text, AGREED UT Head of Development.’
‘English Text, ACT Acceptance of services rendered by the operating and maintenance cable lines.’
No date.
‘English Text, 4. Location terms and conditions (periods) of delivery.’
November 2009.
‘Russian Text ,Tender documentation notice, The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.’
February 2009.
‘Russian Text, Serial number and content of activities (works).’
‘Russian Text, Saschenko Appendix No.29 to the documentation on the auction “APPROVED” First Deputy Commander of military unit.’
May 2009.
‘Russian Text, Saschenko Appendix No.3 to the tender documentation “APPROVED” First Deputy Commander of military unit.’
June 2009.
‘Russian Text, Notice No. about an open tender, The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, placing an order for execution works on maintenance.’
‘Russian Text, Lot No.5 Author’s supervision maintenance and repair of complexes of telephone communication.’
Russian Text ‘Lot No.1 delivery of complexes of technical means and switches.’
No date.