No date.
Tag: Ainslie Archive
John Ainslie, ‘Nuclear planning in the 21st century: the future of the British bomb.’
29 December 2004.
The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust ‘Registration Form.’
28 December 2004.
‘Budget, Income, Expenditure, Report sheet, JCRT grant.’
No date.
Peacerights, Rabinder Singh, Christine Chinkin, ‘The Maintenance and Possible Replacement of The Trident Nuclear Missile System, Joint opinion.’
19 December 2005.
John Ainslie ‘Notes, UK Attack on US, Pixel to Miles conversion calculations.’
No date.
John Ainslie ‘Notes, UK Attack on US, calculations.’
No date.
‘UK attack on US, misc numbers.’
No date.
Demographic, The Public Purpose, and Wendell Cox Consultancy, ‘New York Community Districts Ranked by 2000 Population Density.’
01 May 2007.
Ainslie notes, ‘UK nuclear attack on the US.’
No date.
UK Parliament, The Defence Committee, Richard Irwin, Geoffrey Beaven, Tony Quigley, David Lewis, Jonathon Thatcher. ‘Second report from Minutes of Evidence taken before.’
16 March 1994.
UK Parliament, The Defence Committee, Richard Irwin, John Catchpole, Geoffrey Beaven, John Colston, Nick Witney. ‘Minutes of Evidence taken before.’
10 March 1993