14 December 1983.
Tag: Articles
Alan MacDermid, ‘Doctors attack nuclear war aftermath guidance as fantasy.’
29 June 1983.
Glasgow Herald, ‘Doctors to boycott civil defence plan.’
19 June 1983.
Newspaper article, ‘Aylesbury stocks up a hot line in nuclear rations’, Civil Defence.
08 May 1983.
The Guardian, ‘Doctors grim picture of Britain after nuclear attack.’
04 March 1983.
New Statesman, ‘War Games, How the Office rigged World War III.’
17 September 1982.
Marxism Today, ‘Hard luck, hard rock.’
September 1982.
Morning Star, ‘NALGO to support members quitting nuclear war drill.’
03 July 1982.
Peace News, Andy Rigby, ‘Hard Rock 82, Nuclear free opposition.’
25 June 1982.
Brian Hilliard, ‘Police Review, Keeping control.’
08 January 1982.
Pacifist, Colin Challen, ‘Civil Defence.’
December 1981.
Peace News, Andy Rigby, ‘Civil Offence.’ 04
September 1981.