09 September 1987.
Tag: Articles
Daily Record, ‘The Threat, What would really happen if the bomb went off.’
No date.
Andrew Veitch, Tony Clark, Articles: ‘New US military hospitals blasted & Hospitals could not care for nuclear victims.’
05 December 1987.
West Highland Free Press, ‘Council’s bombshell scheme for Civil Defence centre.’
10 July 1987.
‘Local government’s key role in civil defence, Municipal journal.’
06 February 1981.
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, ‘Information Sheet: The Myth of Civil Defence.’
No date.
Punch Magazine, ‘Mahood, The President’s Guide to the Nuclear Problem.’
04 November 1981.
Roger Taylor, ‘Who protects the nuclear survivors?’, Local Government Chronicle.
30 January 1981.
New Scientist, ‘Government plans life after the blast.’
29 January 1981.
Nature, ‘Volume. 288: Nuclear fallout.’
20 November 1980.
Marxism Today, ‘Square Leg.’
December 1980.
Gordon Robertson, ‘Subvert and Survive.’
October 1980.