Tag: Articles
Scientists Against Nuclear Arms, ‘The World After Nuclear War – A SANA Information Leaflet.’
No date.
Newspaper article, ‘The role Region would have in any conflict.’
Strathclyde Regional Council, ‘Strong support for Trident inquiry, One-man rule over those who survive.’
New Society, Barbara Tizard, ‘Can children face the future?’
12 September 1986.
Andrew Veitch, ‘Nuclear war toll underestimated.’
No date.
The Observer, Martin Amis, ‘Nukesville USA.’
11 January 1987.
The Guardian, ‘Ballistics and broomsticks.’
20 February 1987.
New Scientist, Steve Connor, ‘Secret tests gauge effects of nuclear blasts.’
01 January 1987.
The Guardian, ‘But mum, will there be a nuclear war?’
29 April 1986.
Article, Mark Sommer, ‘Running scared (psychological traps of arms race)”
No date.
The Guardian, Ben Pimlott, ‘Why peace may never establish a beach-head.’
21 August 1986.