30 October 2002.
Tag: Computing
Ainslie notes, Misc UK Nuclear weapons
No date
National Science Foundation, Neutron Tubes
No date
Russian nuclear weapons, Computing, satellite communications, missile forces
No date
John Ainslie, ‘Notes, Diagrams, radar.’
No date.
US Government, Unclassified, ‘Computer Results Compared with Simply Calculated Changes in Re-Entry Velocity.’
No date.
‘U.S. Patent, Burst Height Compensation FIG -1 & 2. 4,456,202.’
26 June 1984.
Sandia National Laboratory, Common Tester Platform Concept, ‘CTP – Functional Overview.’
May 2008 (NB see: https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/942202)
John Ainslie, W76 Warhead, UK and US, ‘Notes, Soloc 28.’
Nuclear weapons simulations, ‘High-End Computing Requirements Drive Distance Computing Needs.’
No date.
US Nuclear Weapons, Warheads / Computing, ‘Accelerate Our Ability to Provide Virtual Prototypes of Weapons Systems & Components.’
No date.
US nuclear weapons stockpile, ‘Simulation Requires a Large Supporting Infrastructure.’
No date.