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Tag: Engineering
UK Atomic Weapons Establishment, ‘Job vacancies related to Arming, Firing and Fusing and Stronglinks.’
June 2006.
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, National Nuclear Security Administration, ‘W76-1 Qualification Simulations Completed with Sandia’s Engineering Codes on Red Storm.’
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, ‘ALEGRA is a multiphysics code.’
07 December 1998.
US Government, National nuclear weapons laboratories and plants, ‘ASCI Program Plan: Appendix A, Level 1 Milestones, pages 22 and 23.’
August 2003.
Presentation slide, ALEGRA Model, ‘Isolator (MC3347).’
No date.
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, ‘All types of nuclear weapon components have experienced aging problems, number of findings.’
No date.
Presentation slide, PBX 9501 Explosive testing ‘CDR Example HE Cook-off.’
No date.
Lockheed Martin, ‘FBM Application: D5 High Fidelity Flight Animation.’
30 October 2002.
US Government, National Nuclear Security Administration, Sandia National Laboratories, ‘Gas transfer systems Fact Sheet.’
No date.
Daily Telegraph, Francis Harris, ‘West’s submarine nuclear warheads flawed, say scientists.’
04 April 2005.
Sandia National Laboratories, A.C. Robinson, A.V. Farnsworth, S.T. Montgomery, J.S. Peery, K.O. Merewether, ‘Neutron Generator Power Supply Modeling in EMMA (U).’
05 November 1996.