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Tag: Engineering
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Scott Doebling, ‘Validation of Quasi-Static Reentry Engineering Analysis of a W76 Surrogate Article, Part I: Overview of Systematic Validation Process.’
September 2003.
US Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, ‘FY 2001 Appraisal of The University of California and Los Alamos National Laboratory, pages 21-27.’
Trident D5 missile, Loren Data Corp, ‘Commerce Business Daily Issue: PSA #2841, Soliciations, 14– Contract N00030-00-G-0039, FY’99 U.S./U.K. BOA Definitive CPFF Proposal.’
27 April 2001.
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, Kevin R. Zavadil, ‘Evalauation of the Metal/Adhesive Interfaces in the MC2370 Fire Set.’
15 October 1997.
US Nuclear Warheads, Presentation slides, Technical details ‘FY01 Projects.’
No date.
Caroline A. Handley, ‘The Crest Reactive Burn Model’
Nicholas J. Whitworth, ‘Some issues regarding the hydrocore implementation of the crest reactive burn model’
July 2006
A.M. Collyer, ‘WBL detonation wave propagation for EDC35 and EDC37’
US Government, Sandia report, Weapon Systems Requirements Analysis Employing a Hybrid of Analytic Technologies, Mission Definition
February 1999
US Government, Sandia report, Weapon Systems Requirements Analysis Employing a Hybrid of Analytic Technologies, Fuzzy decision algorythms
February 1999
US Government, Sandia report, Weapon Systems Requirements Analysis Employing a Hybrid of Analytic Technologies, Ostream and operator
February 1999