In response to FOI request by Rob Evans, Defence Procurement Agency provided AWE’s answer to the MoD question regarding offsite property leases. Leases of offsite properties in Aldermaston, Basingstoke, Mortimer, Reading, Silchester, Tadley, Thatcham, Aileys Wood Kingsclere, Headley Farm Wood Kingsclere, Sandford Wood Kingsclere , Blacklands Copse Upper Bucklebury, Plantation Farm Kingsclere are discussed.
Tag: FOI Request
AWE’s response to MoD question regarding Environment, Safety and Health indicators including performance for 1998 and target for 1999
In response to FOI request by Rob Evans, Defence Procurement Agency provided AWE’s answer to the MoD question regarding Environment, Safety and Health performance indicators for 1998. AWE met 8 out of 10 indicators. Target for 1999 was also listed.
AWE response to MoD questions regarding pressure systems examination
In response to FOI request by Rob Evans, Defence Procurement Agency provided AWE’s answer to the MoD question regarding whether all the written schemes of examination for pressure systems as required by HSE are in place.
Nuclear Installations Inspectorate feedback to AWE Burghfield exercise 1999
In response to FOI request by Rob Evans, Defence Procurement Agency provided the answer to the MoD question regarding NII feedback to the Burghfield site emergency exercise at 20 Jan 1999.
Nuclear Installations Inspectorate feedback to AWE Burghfield exercise 1998
In response to FOI request by Rob Evans, Defence Procurement Agency provided the answer to the MoD question regarding NII feedback to the Burghfield site emergency exercise at 22 Sept 1998. It revealed “significant deficiencies in the preparedness and response of facility staff, fire fighters and health physics support”. Urgent action is required to review the arrangements for dealing with radioactive releases.
Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII)feedback to AWE Aldermaston emergency exercise May 1998
In response to FOI request by Rob Evans, Defence Procurement Agency provided the answer to the MoD question regarding NII feedback to the Aldermaston site emergency exercise at 13 May 1998. The performance of the situations control centre, health physics assessment room were deem to be good. Overall assessment of medical aspect was satisfactory. Emergency control point arrangements need to be fundamentally re-examined. Recommendations were made regarding on and off site activities and local response by facility and shift engineers.
AWE Aldermaston University sponsorship list
In response to FOI request by Rob Evans, Defence Procurement Agency provided the answer to the MoD question regarding University sponsorship by AWE (PD/Tech/22/4), dated 12/3/99. It breakdowns the sponsorship by University, level of qualification and subject area.
AWE A90 Maintenance Local Work Instruction : Defects and Tasking
In response to FOI request by Rob Evans, Defence Procurement Agency provided the maintenance local work instruction (A90/LWI/MA/03) of A90 plutonium processing plant in Aldermaston, dated 06/07/1998. It details how the Maintenance Authority of A90 receives, registers, completes and closes out Defect Reports, Breakdown Dockets and Tasking Forms. This is an electronic copy of the hard copy no.6.
AWE A90 Defect Reporting System
In response to FOI request by Rob Evans, Defence Procurement Agency provided the Defect Reporting System document (A90/GWI/OCC/5) of A90 plutonium processing plant in Aldermaston, dated 25/09/1998. It describes the workflow of handling defects in the A90 building. This is an electronic copy of the hard copy no.7 at location A90.9.
Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, John Ainslie, ‘FOIA Request on Future Nuclear Deterrent from Carly Amos at Ministry of Defence DE&S.
03 October 2007.
‘MoD FOI and EIR Complaints and Appeals Procedures.’
09 February 2005.
‘FOI Request, Vanguard submarine replacement, assessment phase.’
No date.