No date.
Tag: Laboratories
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, ‘ALEGRA is a multiphysics code.’
07 December 1998.
Sandia National Laboratories, nuclear bomb parts, ‘Sandia is responsible for the non-nuclear components and subsystems of nuclear weapons.’
20 February 1998.
Nuclear weapons simulations, ‘High-End Computing Requirements Drive Distance Computing Needs.’
No date.
US Nuclear Weapons, Warheads / Computing, ‘Accelerate Our Ability to Provide Virtual Prototypes of Weapons Systems & Components.’
No date.
Images, ‘Neutron Generator, W76 Trident I/II, Gas Transfer System, AF&F.’
No date.
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, ‘Sandia Labs Accomplishments, 1999, 2000, 2004.’
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, ‘Programs: Nuclear Weapons.’
17 May 2002.
US Government, Nuclear weapons stockpile, ‘FY Congressional Budget, Annual Performance Results and Targets.’
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, Paul Robinson, ‘Statement: Neutron Generator Production and Support.’
US Government, National nuclear weapons laboratories and plants, ‘ASCI Program Plan: Appendix A, Level 1 Milestones, pages 22 and 23.’
August 2003.
US Government, Department of Energy / National Nuclear Weapons Laboratories, ‘Direct and Indirect Target Physics’, Conference papers and presentations.
19 November 1998.