January 1977.
Tag: Medical consequences of Nuclear Weapons
Guardian, Andrew Veitch, ‘Doctors warning on life after bomb.’
04 March 1983.
Scientists Against Nuclear Arms, ‘Nuclear weapons the physical and medical effects.’
01 May 1984.
The Guardian, John Ardill, ‘Emergency services could not cope with nuclear accident.’
14 December 1983.
World Health, Sune Bergstrom, ‘Nuclear War.’
July 1983.
Alan MacDermid, ‘Doctors attack nuclear war aftermath guidance as fantasy.’
29 June 1983.
‘Planning for Armageddon’, Correspondence, Community Medicine journal
The Guardian, ‘Doctors grim picture of Britain after nuclear attack.’
04 March 1983.
British Medical Association, ‘Report of the BMA’s board of science and education inquiry into the medical effects on nuclear war.’
01 March 1983.
Andrew Veitch, Tony Clark, Articles: ‘New US military hospitals blasted & Hospitals could not care for nuclear victims.’
05 December 1987.
‘Physicians take on nuclear war, Science, Constance Holden.’
28 March 1980.
Quaker Peace & Service, ‘Doctors break the bad news.’
No date.