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Tag: Ministry of Defence
Advice to Emergency Services and Civil Emergency Planning Staff
December 1992
Nukewatch and nuclear warhead convoys, It costs millions it kills millions
no date
BASIC, Second report on British Nuclear Weapons Safety, A response to the Oxburgh report
AWRE, Atomic Weapons Research Establishment
no date
Report of inquiry into the proposed extension of the Royal Naval Armaments Depot at Coulport 2
9 September 1983
UK MOD, Beneath the Waves, The Royal Navy’s Submarine Service
April 1985
Malcolm Chalmers, British nuclear weapons policy the next steps
May 1997
Glasgow Herald, Ministry may be sued over girl’s leukaemia
29 October 1990
‘J’, Letters to John Ainslie and re Nuclear report
6 April 2001
‘J’, Nuclear Report on The Operational Control of the MOD and the involvement of private enterprise in HM Naval Base Clyde
November 2000
Graph, Basic main propulsion machinery, Polaris
no date