04 December 2006.
Tag: Nuclear Disarmament
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, ‘Alternative White Paper: Safer Britain, Safer World, The decision not to replace Trident.’
November 2006.
British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Dr. Hans Blix, ‘Reflections ten years after the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons.’
27 November 2006.
Daily Mail, ‘Portillo calls for nuclear weapons to be scrapped.’
19 June 2005.
The Times, Michael Portillo, ‘Does Britain need nuclear missiles? No. Scrap them.’
19 June 2005.
Pugwash Online, Douglas Roche, ‘A Political Analysis of the Third Preparatory Committee Meeting for the 2005 Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.’
May 2004.
The Guardian, Julian Borger, ‘Apocalypse sooner or later?’
02 June 2005.
Nature Publishing Group, Paul Robinson, ‘Revisiting the Baruch Plan.’
Stanford University, Martin E. Hellman, ‘Soaring, Cryptography and Nuclear Weapons.’
21 October 2008.
Tau Beta Pi, The Engineering Honor Society, ‘The Bent: The Odds for Nuclear Armageddon, Fork in the Road: Choosing the Future for Engineers.’
‘The Deterrent Deconstructed.’
No date.
Los Alamos Study Group, ‘Build Warhead Factories Now, Worry about Weapons Policy Later Will Congress Take Back the Reins?’
02 December 2008.