Tag: Nuclear materials
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, ‘ALEGRA- An Advanced Finite Element Framework for High Energy Density Solid Dynamics Simulations.’
07 February 1997.
UK Government, Atomic Weapons Establishment, N.J. Whitworth, ‘Development of a Simple Model of “Hot-Spot” Initiation in Heterogeneous Solid Explosives.’
June 2001.
US Government, Weapons activities / simulation / computing, ‘FY 2005 Congressional Budget, Detailed Justification, Page 133.’
US Government, Nuclear weapons stockpile surveillance, ‘System Level Assessment B, Primary Physics Assessments B, Secondary Physics Assessment B, Physics Package Engineering Assessment B.’
December 1999
Sandia National Laboratories, A.C. Robinson, A.V. Farnsworth, S.T. Montgomery, J.S. Peery, K.O. Merewether, ‘Neutron Generator Power Supply Modeling in EMMA (U).’
05 November 1996.
Ainslie notes, ‘U.S. Role in UK Warhead Production.’
No date.
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Scott Doebling, ‘Validation of Quasi-Static Reentry Engineering Analysis of a W76 Surrogate Article, Part I: Overview of Systematic Validation Process.’
September 2003.
US Nuclear Weapons, Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI), Department of Energy, ‘Appendix A: Level-1 Milestones, pages 38-45.’
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, Vincent M. Loyola, Sandra E. Klassen, ‘Materials and Performance Evaluation of Accelerated Aged XTX8003.’
March 1998.
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, Arlyn Antolak, Daniel Morse, Kenneth Wilson, ‘Nondestructive Analysis of AU-CR Layers in Aged Microcircuits.’
26 September 1997.
Caroline A. Handley, ‘The Crest Reactive Burn Model’