22 July 2002.
Tag: Nuclear Planning Systems
NATO, ‘Ceiling price, Task order, Support to nuclear planning and execution system.’
14 July 2003.
NATO, Order of battle information, ‘Linked operations capability-Europe.’
20 April 1998.
US Department of Defense, European Command, NATO, ‘Executive Summary: The linked operations intelligence Centers Europe.’
20 April 1998.
US Department of Defense / NATO, ‘Security for the linked operations intelligence Centers Europe.’
20 April 1998.
US Department of Defense, Project AE- Weapon Safety and Operational Support, FY 99.
February 2000.
US Department of Defense, Project AE- weapon Safety and Operational Support,
February 2000.
NATO Nuclear Planning System, ‘Statement of work for nuclear planning systems target data feed modification two.’
17 April 1998.
US / NATO Nuclear Targeting, ‘Modification one to statement of work for nuclear planning systems target data feed.’
11 October 1997.
NATO, ‘Nuclear Planning Group.’
No date.
US Department of Defense, OPLAN / SIOP, ‘Exhibit 1 Nuclear options analysis.’
No date.
US European Command, NATO, ‘USCINCEUR OPLAN 4999-99 Deterrent Options Layout.’
31 December 1999.