30 January 2004.
Tag: Nuclear Policy
Ainslie notes, ‘Overcoming obstacles to changing Britain’s nuclear posture, The Myth of invulnerability’.
No date
John Ainslie, Bradford University, Stepping down the nuclear ladder, Discussion paper.
17 September 2009
UK Government, ‘Top Secret, UK Eyes A, The Politico-Strategic Background.’
12 December 1978
UK Government, ‘Top Secret, UK Eyes A, III. The Politico-Military Requirement.’
No date.
Media Transcription Service, Susan & David Scott, ‘Transcript – Ref.No.7420, G Hoon/nukes, Extracts from an interview with the Defence Secretary.’
24 March 2002.
‘De-Alerting and the UK Nuclear Deterrent,’ Michael Clarke.
August 1998
John Ainslie, The Human Button, ‘Notes, BBC Radio 4.’ (Historian Prof Peter Hennessy speaks to the people who operate Britain’s nuclear deterrent, including military commanders, politicians and former Vulcan bomber crew members.)
2 December 2008.
John Ainslie, National Archives, ‘Notes, DEFE, TNA.’
No date.
Blackwell Synergy, ‘Single Article Purchase: Does my bomb look big in this? Britain’s nuclear choices after Trident, Michael Clarke, Book order.’
12 May 2004.
National Technical Information Service, ‘Detailed Product pages, various books.’
Oxford University Press, ‘Book Order, Ambiguity and Deterrence – British Nuclear Strategy 1945-1964, John Baylis.’
11 May 2004.