19 March 2004.
Tag: Nuclear Policy
Amazon.co.uk ‘Shopping Cart: Nuclear Weapons Policy at the Crossroads, Daryl Howlett, Tanya Oglivie-White, John Simpson, Emily Taylor.’
31 December 2003.
Cornell University Press, ‘Book order, Whole World on Fire: Organizations, Knowledge, & Nuclear Weapons Devastations, Lynn Eden.’
31 December 2003.
San Diego Technical Books INC. ‘The British Nuclear Weapons Programme 1952-2002.’
John Ainslie ‘Notes, Provisional: No future for British Nuclear Weapons, Key points.’
No date.
John Ainslie, ‘Nuclear planning in the 21st century: the future of the British bomb.’
29 December 2004.
‘Budget, Income, Expenditure, Report sheet, JCRT grant.’
No date.
Stratcom, Strategic Weapons Systems, ‘Document Titles’
16 December 2002.
Federation of American Scientists ‘Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan, Prairie Warrior 2000, Supplemental Instruction 3110.04 to AFSC-JSCP.’
01 January 2004.
RUSI, Malcolm Chalmers, ‘Nuclear Narratives, Reflections on Declatory Policy.’
U.S Nuclear Weapons in Europe: A Review of Post-Cold War Policy, Force Levels, and War Planning.
National Resources Defense Council, Hans M. Kristensen, February 2005.