11 January 1987.
Tag: Nuclear Weapons Effects
The Guardian, ‘Ballistics and broomsticks.’
20 February 1987.
New Scientist, Steve Connor, ‘Secret tests gauge effects of nuclear blasts.’
01 January 1987.
The Guardian, ‘But mum, will there be a nuclear war?’
29 April 1986.
Article, Mark Sommer, ‘Running scared (psychological traps of arms race)”
No date.
The Guardian, Ben Pimlott, ‘Why peace may never establish a beach-head.’
21 August 1986.
Peace Force Scotland Publications, ‘Hit List – The Top Fifty Targets.’
No date.
The Guardian, Mary Midgley Deterrence: Who’s afraid? Body and Soul.
31 October 1984.
Newspaper column, Dr. Sandy Reid, ‘Choice that would face A-blast doctors.’
No date.
The Guardian, ‘solution to nuclear depression.’
10 July 1985.
Strathclyde News, ‘What if The Bomb drops here?’
Strathclyde Regional Council, ‘Draft of a broadsheet / What if the bomb drops here?.’
22 December 1982.