Tag: Nuclear Weapons Effects
‘Workshop on the Medical Consequences of Nuclear War.’
No date.
George Delf, INLAW, ‘WAR CRIME WARNING! Flyer.’
No date.
‘Target South West, Say NO to U.S. Nuclear War, flyer.’
No date.
Nature, ‘Volume 313: Aftermath of nuclear war.’
28 February 1985.
Scientists Against Nuclear Arms, ‘SANA Briefing: Biological and Environmental Effects of Nuclear Weapons.’
Scientists Against Nuclear Arms, ‘SANA Brief pack, Nuclear Weapons: Biological and Environmental Effects.’
No date.
St Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, ‘Disarmament, Lesson 1: Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Survivor’s accounts.)’
No date.
The Guardian, ‘David Hearst, 80% casualties on a computer study of fallout.’
09 August 1984.
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, ‘Information: The Effects of Nuclear Weapons.’
No date.
‘Section 8: Effects of a Nuclear Attack on Britain.’
The Geographical Magazine, The World in Books, Duncan Campbell, ‘The twentieth century Doomsday Book.’
March 1984.