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Tag: Nuclear Weapons Effects
Japan Council Against Atomic & Hydrogen Bombs, ‘No more Hiroshima’s! Volume 29, No. 3, Hibakusha Appeal on 40th Year Since The Bombing.’
July 1985.
New Scientist, ‘Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Survivors.’
25 August 1977.
The Peace Pack, ‘1,000,000 Hiroshimas…’
Peace News, ‘The chilling facts about nuclear winter.’
29 June 1984.
Morning Star, Owen Greene, ‘Changing a nuclear summer.’
21 September 1984.
Sunday Times, ‘A winter to end all seasons.’
30 September 1984.
New Scientist, Paddy Ashdown, ‘Review: Who will inherit the Earth?’
04 October 1984.
Frank Rennie, “Nuclear winter”: A new term to add to the glossary of despair.
05 October 1984.
New Scientist, John Gribbin, ‘Volcano research backs nuclear winter theory.’
01 November 1984.
Farmers Weekly, ‘News: Farming and The Nuclear Winter.’
19 October 1984.
Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists, Anne Ehrlich, ‘Nuclear Winter: A forecast of the climatic and biological effects of nuclear war.’
April 1984.