11 February 1998
Tag: Russian Nuclear Weapons
Russian nuclear weapons, Wikipedia, Perimeter System
15 July 2010
Russian nuclear weapons, Location, Unit, System, Components
No date
Russian nuclear weapons, Control subsystem
Russian nuclear weapons, Computing, satellite communications, missile forces
No date
Russian nuclear weapons, Special Operations and Technology Center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces
No date
Russian nuclear weapons, Projects: Communications, Computers, Missile systems
No date
Russian nuclear weapons, Projects: Infrastructure, Engineering, Communications, Control systems
No date
Gregory Canavan, ‘Sensitivity of Stability Indices to De-alerting.’
Beyond the nuclear shadow, ‘Background and motivation for improving nuclear safety.’
No date.
David Ruppe, ‘Experts warn of accidental US Russian Missile Launches, NPRI.’
29 January 2004.