6 May 2001
Tag: Safety
Infographic, Hazards of a Reactor Accident
no date
Herald, Workers were exposed to radiation
26 November 1998
Email correspondence, Re ‘K’
10 August 2000
John Large and Associates, Review of Nuclear Safety Procedures Relating to the Berthing, Refitting and Refuelling of Royal Navy Nuclear Powered Submarines at Devonport Royal Dockyard
22 May 2000
Scotsman, U-turn on dockyard radiation claims
26 January 1998
Independent, Kim Sengupta, Nuclear subs linked to deaths from cancer
26 January 1998
Scotsman, Severin Carrell, Massive rise in Trident costs
19 March 1992
Scotsman, Severin Carrell, Safety curbs and design doubts add to problems on the Clyde
no date
‘A’ to Ainslie email, Discussion paper for working group meeting
7 April 2008
Brant D. Palmquist, ‘Risk Migitation with Tailored System Testing Following Subsystem Modifications.’
No date.
Royal Institution of Naval Architects, ‘Assuring Submarine Safety for the future SSBN.’