18 May 2005
Tag: Safety
UK MOD, FOI response, UK Nuclear Weapon Safety since 1960 Annex A
19 July 2005
UK AWE, Safety Risk Analyst
13 June 2006
‘Annual report to the UK Defence Nuclear Safety Board.’
DEFRA, ‘Radioactive waste management advisory committee.’
Beyond the nuclear shadow, ‘Background and motivation for improving nuclear safety.’
No date.
Scottish Statutory Instruments, ‘Civil Contingencies.’
UK AWE, ‘Table 1, 150 Day SWS Plutonium Release Frequencies of Accidents Involving The SSBN on the Shiplift.’
No date.
University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Ted Harvey, Lin Peters, Frank Serduke, Les Edwards, ‘Weapons Safety Program: Probabilistic Consequence Study of Residual Radiological Effects from a Hypothetical Ten-Ton Inadvertent Nuclear Yield.’
25 February 1994.
Sunday Herald, ‘Trident shiplift “vulnerable to terror attacks.”‘
November 2007.
Glen Milner, ‘Trident D-5 Missile Explosive Propellant Hazards.’
08 July 2001.
Quintec, Dr. Keith Plamping, ‘ESAS 03, Paper 7: Integration of Facility and Plant Safety Cases.’
No date.