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Tag: Safety
Mott MacDonald Ltd, Steve Rutledge, ‘Periodic Review of The Safety Case For The Shiplift at HM Naval Base Clyde.’
UK Government, Faslane Nuclear Submarine Base, ‘Overview of Internal/External Hazards.’
August 2000.
ATKINS Defence Systems, ‘Review of Radiological Accident Probability Assessments and Radiological Probabilistic Assessment for Vanguard Class SSBN whilst on the Shiplift at HMNB Clyde.’
March 2003.
US Government, The Savannah River Site, ‘Fact Sheets, SRS Tritium Facilities.’
June 2002.
UK Nuclear Installations Inspectorate ‘Dropped fuel element incident at Chapelcross’.
The Guardian, Paul Brown, ‘Safety fears shut oldest nuclear plant.’
01 January 2002.
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, William Yeniscavich, ‘Memorandum for: G.W. Cunningham, Technical Director, Re: Review of Ongoing Work at the Savannah River Tritium Facility.’
09 August 1996.
John Ainslie, US nuclear stockpile safety and surety simulations, ‘Notes, ASCC 01 Pw.’
No date.
US Government, Sandia National Laboratory, Cruise Missile, ‘Nuclear weapons: Stronglinks, Case Studies, Figures.’
No date.
Macmillan Magazines, Nature, Keith O’Nions, Robin Pitman, Clive Marsh, ‘Science of nuclear warheads.’
21 February 2002.
‘Beryllium Health and Safety Committee’, AWE Training Centre Meeting Minutes
27 April 2004