'Mortality of employees of the Atomic Weapons Establishment, 1951-82'. Valerie Beral, Patricia Fraser, Lucy Carpenter, Margaret Booth, Ann Brown, Geoffrey Rose. British Medical Journal, Volume 297. 24 September 1988.
Tag: Safety
NII Regulation of Non-Licensed Naval Nuclear Sites
'NII Regulation of Non-Licensed Naval Nuclear Sites'. Health and Safety Executive Nuclear Safety Directorate. 19 March 2007.
MoD Health & Safety Handbook: JSP 375 (April 2003). Chapter 8
'Interface between enforcing authorities the MoD and other organisations'. Chapter 8 in 'MoD Health & Safety Handbook. Joint Services Publication 375 Volume 1'. Ministry of Defence, April 2003.
Transportation of Nuclear Weapons through Urban Areas in the United Kingdom
'Transportation of Nuclear Weapons through Urban Areas in the United Kingdom – Abstract and Summary'. Large & Associates. 31 March 2008 (Originally published in 1990). Summary of study conducted on behalf of Nuclear Free Local Authorities.
The role of the radiation protection supervisor at AWE
'The role of the radiation protection supervisor at AWE'. R.I. Wilkins. Society for Radiological Protection, May 1999. Paper summarising radiation protection responsibilities at the Atomic Weapons Establishment.
Workplace monitoring techniques for tritium
'Workplace monitoring techniques for tritium'. Kirsty Higham. Society for Radiological Protection, May 1999. Paper summarising tritium monitoring techniques in use at the Atomic Weapons Establishment.
Use of a continuous air monitoring system at AWE
'Use of a continuous air monitoring system at AWE'. J. Denvir. Society for Radiological Protection, May 1999. Paper summarising arrangements for monitoring radiation in air in the work environment in a production facility at the Atomic Weapons Establishment.
Joint Service Publication 538: Regulation of the Nuclear Weapon Programme
'Joint Service Publication 538: Regulation of the UK Nuclear Weapon Programme'. Part 1: Directive. Part 2: Guidance. Ministry of Defence, 6 September 2012.
The Safety Case and Acceptance Review Process at AWE
'The Safety Case and Acceptance Review Process at AWE'. M. Jones. Descrition of safety case assurance processes at the Atomic Weapons Establishment orginally published by DNV GL registrars, exact date unknown.
Additional Arrangements for Specified MoD and Defence-Related Nuclear Sites: Annex M to JSP 815
'Additional Arrangements for Specified MoD and Defence-Related Nuclear Sites'. Annex to Joint Services Publication 815:'Defence, Health, Safety, and Environmental Protection'. Ministry of Defence, February 2009. Withdrawn as policy on 30 August 2016.
Nuclear Weapons Accidents
'Nuclear Weapon Accidents'. Letter from Ministry of Defence Directorate of Safety and Claims listing UK nuclear weapons accidents and incidents since 1960. Response to Freedom of Information Act request 03-02-2005-145211-024, 16 February 2005.