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Tag: Scotland
US Secretary of State, Telegram, Top Secret, ‘Nuclear consultation with UK and use of Holy Loch by FMBS Poseidon Equipped’
05 May 1971
Trident’s Replacement and the Survival of the United Kingdom
'Trident's Replacement and the Survival of the United Kingdom.' William Walker. Survival, Volume 57 Number 5 pages 7 – 28. October – November 2015.
Road Transport of Defence Nuclear Material in Scotland: Preparedness Review
'Road Transport of Defence Nuclear Material in Scotland: Preparedness Review'. Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland, Her Majesty's Fire Service Inspectorate in Scotland, Society of Local Authority Chief Executives, and the Scottish Government. June 2019.
Unready Scotland
'Unready Scotland. The critical gap in our response to the transport of nuclear weapons'. David Mackenzie and Jane Tallents. Nukewatch Scotland. June 2017.
Disarming Trident
John Ainslie: 'Disarming Trident. A practical guide to de-activating and dismantling the Scottish-based Trident nuclear weapon system'. Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and Scotland's For Peace. June 2012.
What is the current status of Trident replacement in the UK ?
John Ainslie: 'What is the current status of Trident replacement in the UK?' Presentation for Nuclear Free Local Authorities, 26 February 2010.
Cancelling Trident: The economic and employment consequences for Scotland
'Cancelling Trident: The Economic and Employment Consequences for Scotland'. Report commissioned by the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarament and the Scottish Trades Union Congress. 12 March 2007.
Trident Replacement: Presentation to Scottish CND Annual Conference
John Ainslie: 'Trident Replacement'. Presentation to Scottish CND Annual Conference. 22 November 2008.