23 November 1989.
Tag: Scotland
The Scotsman, ‘Scotland the official plans for war.’
02 February 1981.
‘Civil Defence Planning Scotland Regulations.’
Hamilton Advertiser, ‘ “No plans” for rural areas after nuclear attack’
27 September 1985.
Glasgow Herald, ‘Surviving the holocaust of a nuclear attack.’
04 February 1980.
Glasgow Herald, ‘Aftermath control from a network of secret shelters.’
04 February 1980.
New Statesman, ‘Scotland’s nuclear targets.’
06 March 1981.
Blairgowrie Advertiser, ‘Region may appeal to Scots Secretary over district nuclear bunker veto.’
06 March 1986.
Dumfries and Galloway Regional Council, ‘Home Defence.’
03 November 1976.
Humberside County Council, ‘NSC report to AGM.’
19 September 1988.
Glasgow Evening Times, Duncan Campbell, ‘Scotland’s nuclear targets.’
06 March 1981.
Glasgow Herald, ‘Region reveals secrets of doomsday mansion.’
03 October 1983.