John Ainslie: 'What is the current status of Trident replacement in the UK?' Presentation for Nuclear Free Local Authorities, 26 February 2010.
Tag: Scottish CND
Cancelling Trident: The economic and employment consequences for Scotland
'Cancelling Trident: The Economic and Employment Consequences for Scotland'. Report commissioned by the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarament and the Scottish Trades Union Congress. 12 March 2007.
Trident Replacement: Presentation to Scottish CND Annual Conference
John Ainslie: 'Trident Replacement'. Presentation to Scottish CND Annual Conference. 22 November 2008.
Trident Replacement: the practical implications
'Trident Replacement: the practical implications'. John Ainslie, Scottish CND. Presentation to British Pugwash AGM. 8 April 2008.