23 August 2000
Tag: Submarine Accidents
Bellona, What can be done with the Kursk submarine?
23 August 2000
Ananova, Kursk could leak radiation within days
23 August 2000
Guardian, Crew killed in sub blast
18 August 2000
Online article, Frederic Hauge, Kursk’s potential environmental impact
16 August 2000
Norwegian defence ministry, Blasts detected at time of Kursk accident
16 August 2000
Arizona.edu, Seismic signals from Russian sub
18 August 2000
Scottish CND, Press Release Threat to Scottish fish from Russian submarine
23 August 2000
Bellona, Red Star censored
19 August 2000
Bellona, Kursk torpedoes were unsafe
18 August 2000
Bellona, Dumping of radioactive waste
16 August 2000
Measurements of radioactivity in the Barents- and Kara Seas
no date