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Tag: Trident
Helensburgh Advertiser, Peace Camp’s First Ten
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Bradford University, ‘Stepping down the nuclear ladder.’
17 September 2009.
Nick Ritchie, ‘Trident and British Identity.’
September 2008.
UK Parliament, ‘Trident: Scotland.’
14 October 2009.
John Ainslie notes, ‘Targeting consideration in the C4 to D5 decision.’
No date.
Scientists for Global Responsibility, ‘Newsletter: Could one Trident submarine cause nuclear winter?’
UK RAF, ‘Recommendations, Number of warheads.’
05 October 1981.
Guardian, ‘US embassy cable: France fears Labour demagogues will drop Trident.’
08 December 2010.
Guardian, ‘US embassy cable: Brown’s Trident announcement caught Whitehall by surprise.’
08 December 2010.
Guardian, ‘US embassy cables: UK civil servants reassure US that Trident will be replaced.’
08 December 2010.
Guardian, ‘US embassy cable: French tell US Britain is ready to abandon Trident.’
08 December 2010.