23 June 2011.
Tag: Trident
UK MOD, Peter Burt, ‘Trident summary of costs.’
04 August 2011.
Nick Ritchie, ‘Nuclear warhead activities at AWE Aldermaston.’
July 2009.
US Navy, ‘Alterations non-flying tactical hardware.’
February 2011.
John Ainslie ‘Notes: UK nuclear modernisation and dependence.’
No date.
Bradford Disarmament Research Centre, Dr. Nick Ritchie, ‘Trident Research Report No.1: What is Trident For? Nuclear Deterrence and the Role of British Nuclear Weapons.’
April 2008.
Nuclear Threat Initiative, Global Security Newswire, Lee Michael Katz, ‘Former Top Diplomat Says U.K. Might be Able to Cut Trident Sub.’
08 July 2011.
Admiral Lord West, ‘Evidence Submitted, Should the UK remain a nuclear weapon state?’
House of Lords, Admiral The Lord Boyce, BASIC Commissions: Future of UK Nuclear Weapons Policy.
31 August 2011.
ICAN-UK, ‘evidence to the BASIC Trident Commission.’
Abolition 2000 UK, ‘Evidence and comments submitted to the BASIC Trident Commission.’
14 September 2011.
The Baptist Union of Great Britain, The Methodist Church, The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), The United Reform Church, ‘Submission to the BASIC Trident Commission.’
July 2011.