09 August 1996.
Tag: United States
Sandia National Laboratories, ‘Unclassified, (U) Distribution List.’
No date.
US Department of Defense, ‘Sandia design of a warhead, The DoD Nuclear Weapon Systems Sustainment Programs.’
‘U.S. Patent, Burst Height Compensation FIG -1 & 2. 4,456,202.’
26 June 1984.
John Ainslie, Draft, ‘Limitations of the Mk4 fuzing system (on Trident missiles).’
No date
John Ainslie, Draft, ‘Description of the fuzing system on the Mk4 Reentry Vehicle (on the Trident missile).’
No date.
NASA, The Smithsonian, Astrophysics Data System, T.R. Glauner, ‘Characteristics and development report for the MC3812 radar mechanical design.’
No date.
‘Table 2. Tx Measurement Matrix & Table 3. Rx Measurement Matrix.’
No date.
Sandia National Laboratory, Common Tester Platform Concept, ‘CTP – Functional Overview.’
May 2008 (NB see: https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/942202)
Sandia National Laboratories, ‘A&F architecture to support W76/Mk4 and Pit Reuse, annotated.’
No date.
US Department of Defense, Defense Contract Management Agency, ‘14– Definitive CPFF Proposal for UK MK4ARB Install Hardware.’
26 September 2006.
Air Weather Service, Karl R. Johannessen, ‘Least Dispersion of The Mark 12 Re-Entry Vehicle.’
September 1964.