Tag: United States
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, ‘ALEGRA is a multiphysics code.’
07 December 1998.
Sandia National Laboratories, nuclear bomb parts, ‘Sandia is responsible for the non-nuclear components and subsystems of nuclear weapons.’
20 February 1998.
Nuclear weapons simulations, ‘High-End Computing Requirements Drive Distance Computing Needs.’
No date.
US Nuclear Weapons, Warheads / Computing, ‘Accelerate Our Ability to Provide Virtual Prototypes of Weapons Systems & Components.’
No date.
US Nuclear Weapons, W76 Stockpile Stewardship, Earth Penetrator Toolkit, ‘In Summary… Entero Project.’
No date.
Lockheed Martin, ‘FBM Reentry Systems, The Future.’
30 October 2002.
John Ainslie, US nuclear stockpile safety and surety simulations, ‘Notes, ASCC 01 Pw.’
No date.
Images, ‘Neutron Generator, W76 Trident I/II, Gas Transfer System, AF&F.’
No date.
UK US Mutual Defense Agreement, Plutonium / Actinide, ‘The following papers were presented at JOWOG 22.’
May 1996.
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, ‘Sandia Labs Accomplishments, 1999, 2000, 2004.’
US Government, National nuclear weapons laboratories and plants, ‘ASCI Program Plan: Appendix A, Level 1 Milestones, pages 22 and 23.’
August 2003.