March 1998.
Tag: United States
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, Paul N. Demmie, ‘Modeling and Simulation of Explosively Driven Electromechanical Devices, Abstract.’
June 2001
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, W76 Warhead
No date.
US Government, Los Alamos National Laboratory, John T. Daly, ‘High-Performance Computing Systems Operations, Facilitating High-Throughput ASC Calculations.’
Strategic Security Blog, Hans M. Kristensen, ‘Administration Increases Submarine Nuclear Warhead Production Plan.’
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, Arlyn Antolak, Daniel Morse, Kenneth Wilson, ‘Nondestructive Analysis of AU-CR Layers in Aged Microcircuits.’
26 September 1997.
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, Kevin R. Zavadil, ‘Evalauation of the Metal/Adhesive Interfaces in the MC2370 Fire Set.’
15 October 1997.
United States Department of Energy, ‘Stockpile Stewardship Plan: Second Annual Update (FY 1999).
US Government, Sandia Lab News, ‘Lab Accomplishments 2002, Page 2: Nuclear Weapons.’
US Nuclear Warheads, Presentation slides, Technical details ‘FY01 Projects.’
No date.
US Government, Nuclear warhead stockpile stewardship, ‘Figure 2. The Stockpile Life Extension Schedule.’
23 November 1999.
Los Angeles Times, Ralph Vartabedian, ‘Program to refurbish aging nuclear warheads faces setbacks.’
29 May 2009.