No date.
Tag: United States
Hans Kristensen, Matthew McKinzie, and Robert Norris, ‘The Protection Paradox.’
April 2004.
UK Government, ‘Secret, UK Eyes A, British Nuclear Test Programme.’ Part 1
23 October 1978.
UK Government, ‘Secret UK Eyes Only, Prime Minister, British Nuclear Test Programme.’ Part 2
October 1978
UK Government, ‘Secret, UK / US Mutual Defence Agreement.’
No date.
UK Government, The Future of the UK Nuclear Deterrent, ‘Top Secret, UK Eyes A, Ministry of Defence, Chiefs of Staff Committee, Confidential Annex to COS 22nd Meeting/79. Held on Tuesday.’
21 August 1979.
UK Government, ‘Top Secret UK Eyes A, PSO/CDS, Trident Progress CSA’s AD HOC Nuclear Technical Policy Working Group.’
19 November 1980.
UK Government, Secret, Norbury, Brown, Whitmore, ‘Chevaline Trident Secret,’ Volume 3 of 3
February 1981
John Ainslie, Handwritten notes, Nuclear policy US UK
No Date
John Ainslie, Handwritten notes, Trident replacement
no date
John Ainslie, Handwritten notes, Why should Britain not replace Trident
no date
Oxford Research Group, Scilla McClean, ‘Who Decides Accountability and Nuclear Weapons Decision Making in Britain’