February 1988.
Tag: United States
Scientific American, Kevin N. Lewis, ‘The Prompt and Delayed Effects of Nuclear War.’
July 1979.
Newspaper articles: ‘TV link call to assess nuclear fear, More fear presence of US missile sites, Head Start for the holocaust.’
Article, ‘Nuclear tests, Trigger and Mobilise.’
No date.
The Observer, Martin Amis, ‘Nukesville USA.’
11 January 1987.
Scientific American, Frank N. Von Hippel, Barbara G. Levi, Theodore A. Postol, William H. Daugherty, ‘Volume 259, Number 3: Civilian Casualties from Counterforce Attacks.’
September 1988.
The Kanagawa, ‘Vol. 30, No. 6, Two Perspectives: Hiroshima and Pearl Harbor.’
March 1984.
‘Workshop on the Medical Consequences of Nuclear War.’
No date.
George Delf, INLAW, ‘WAR CRIME WARNING! Flyer.’
No date.
‘Target South West, Say NO to U.S. Nuclear War, flyer.’
No date.
Scientists Against Nuclear Arms, ‘Briefing: Nuclear Weapons: Physical and Medical Effects.’
Scientific American, Kevin N. Lewis, ‘The Prompt and Delayed Effects of Nuclear War.’
July 1979.