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Tag: US Nuclear Weapons
Flight international, ‘Global strike concept raises hopes and fears.’
07 February 2006.
Ainslie notes, ‘Trident missiles to be made more accurate.’
No date.
US Navy, ‘R&D: Advanced conventional strike capability.’
February 2006.
Rear Admiral Charles Young, ‘NPR Objectives, Senate Armed Services Committee.’
08 April 2003.
US Navy Programs, ‘Congressional Research Service.’
No date.
US Navy, ‘R&D: Strategic sub and weapons system support.’
February 2003.
John Ainslie email: ‘Trident changes, Trident low-yield role.’
No date.
US Navy, ‘R&D: Strategic sub and weapons system support.’
February 2004.
Lockheed Missiles, A hard and deeply buried target defeat concept.
Ainslie notes, Nuclear tests, Neutrons, no dateĀ
No date
Ainslie notes, Los Alamos National Laboratory
No date