Tag: Warhead
Lockheed Martin, ‘FBM Application: D5 High Fidelity Flight Animation.’
30 October 2002.
US Government, ‘Appendix E: Events in Existing DOE Weapon Reliability Models Addressing “At the Target”.’
No date.
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, ‘Receiving the Gordon Bell Award for the Salinas Code.’
Sandia National Laboratories, ‘Time-dependent degradation of stockpile o-rings (FY97-98).’
Savannah River Technology Centre, Reservoir Free-Fall Drop Testing, ‘WSRC-TR-99-00144, Summary, Background, Introduction.’
26 April 1999 (NB see: https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/9830)
US Government, Sandia National Laboratories, Neutron Generator, ‘Background and Introduction, Figures 1 & 2.’
No date.
US Government, ‘Pantex Plant Final EIS, Figure 1.2.2-1 Nuclear Weapons Design.’
No date.
US Government, Nuclear weapons stockpile, ‘FY 2005 Congressional Budget, Detailed Justification, Pages 94 & 95.’
Sandia National Laboratories, nuclear bomb parts, ‘Sandia is responsible for the non-nuclear components and subsystems of nuclear weapons.’
20 February 1998.
US Nuclear Weapons, Warheads / Computing, ‘Accelerate Our Ability to Provide Virtual Prototypes of Weapons Systems & Components.’
No date.
US Nuclear Weapons, W76 Stockpile Stewardship, Earth Penetrator Toolkit, ‘In Summary… Entero Project.’
No date.