No date.
Tag: Yield
Nuke Beat, John Fleck, ‘W-76: possible problems with metal radiation case’
28 July 2004.
Arms Control Wonk, Jeffrey Lewis, ‘B61 Mod 12 LEP, Nuclear-Weapons.’
13 October 2008.
University of Bradford, Jeremy Stocker, Stepping down the nuclear ladder, Options for UK nuclear weapons policy, Minimum Deterrence and Targeting Trident.
Ainslie notes, ‘Origin of the Mk4A AF&F.’
No date.
Rob Edwards ‘Email to John Ainslie, Re: MoD speak on popcorning.’
13 June 2008.
‘United Kingdom Aerospace and Weapons, Nuclear Weapons.’
03 June 2004.
John Ainslie ‘Notes, UK Attack on US, Pixel to Miles conversion calculations.’
No date.
John Ainslie ‘Notes, UK Attack on US, calculations.’
No date.
‘UK attack on US, misc numbers.’
No date.
Demographic, The Public Purpose, and Wendell Cox Consultancy, ‘New York Community Districts Ranked by 2000 Population Density.’
01 May 2007.
UK Parliament, Roseanna Cunningham and George Robertson ‘Trident.’
19 March 1998.