West Berkshire County Council has published a Planning Application from City And Capital (UK) Ltd. to build 237 new dwellings on the old Banger Racing Track, Paices Hill, Aldermaston. The site is near the plutonium and weapons production plant known as ‘the Citadel’ across the road at AWE. The Statutory 8 week date, by which time the Applicant can expect to have a decision, is given as 19th September 2005.
Aldermaston latest news
No new NoPDS for AWE
No new Notice of Planning Development for AWE has been published by West Berks. Council by 16th May. Progress at the AWE building sites for the IT and accommodation block is reported, although no HSE notice has been lodged.
AWE Nuclear Waste
Manifesto for a nuclear disarmament agenda
The Nuclear Information Service calls upon the next British Government to:
New build progress at AWE
New Building Progress
Following FULL planning approval by West Berks. Council for the Modular Office Accommodation and IT Service Stations at AWE in June, it appears that preparation site work is now under way. Progress is regularly being monitored and publicised by the Block the Builders (BtB) campaign.
Environmental Impact Assessment required for AWE NoPDs
Current AWE Planning Applications
Planning Decision on 23rd February 2005: West Berks. Council Planning Committee did not object to AWE’s Full NOPDs but voted to require AWE Development Plan to have an Environmental Impact AssessmentPlanning Decision: No Objection
Planning No: 04/02977/FUL
Modular Office Accommodation at AWE
Work can now start on the three storey building to provide accommodation for up to 150 personnel near to the man entrance and screened from the A340 by mature trees. -
Parliamentary question: AWE balance sheet
11 Jan 2005 : Column 373W, Written Answers to Questions, Defence, Atomic Weapons Establishment
Mr. Keith Simpson: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what the balance sheet value of the Atomic Weapons Establishment in the books of his Department was as at 31 March; what the carrying charge and applicable depreciation for that establishment is in the current year; and for what reasons his Department is investing a further £467 million in that establishment. [206603]
Current AWE Planning Applications
Current AWE Planning Applications
On December 10th West Berks. Council received two applications from AWE for building projects. They appeared on the Planning List published on 20th December and the Site Notices were posted to the Defence Land Agent on 23rd December and then forwarded to AWE on 4th January. The earliest date AWE can have put them up to start the 21 days Objection clock ticking is today, 5th January 2005.
Planning Details
Planning No: 04/02977/FUL
Modular Office Accommodation at AWE -
NoPDs: Crown Immunity to be scrapped
Crown Immunity to be scrapped
The removal of Crown privilege in planning matters is expected to be law by Christmas, or even by September. In a letter to NAG, the Reading-based group that monitors the environmental impact of AWE, the Guildford Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) replied for the DPM. The letter states, “ that provisions to remove Crown immunity from planning control have been incorporated in the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Report of the 2004 Preparatory Committee Meeting for the 2005 Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference
by Di McDonald on behalf of the Nuclear Information Service and Nukewatch
I. Introduction
This report will be brief. More comprehensive 2004 NPT PrepCom. reports by experienced analysts are listed in Appendix 1.
June 2004 NIS Update
Due to a family bereavement, no NIS Update is available for June. The following press report is reproduced by kind permission from the Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp.
As West Berkshire District Council planning committee unanimously accepted the Ministry of Defence's proposal to build a state of the art laser facility at AWE Aldermaston, campaigners resolved to stop the development from going ahead.
Aldermaston New Build
Get the full press release (including legal and scientific notes) as a PDF file by clicking here.
West Berks. Council has received the MOD's re-submission of a Notice of Planning for its proposed new laser facility at AWE Aldermaston. This is the first phase of a Strategy Development to enable tests to be carried out on nuclear weapons without recourse to underground testing.
NIS press release on AWE laser facility
Aldermaston New Build
West Berkhire Council has received the MOD's re-submission of a Notice of Planning for its proposed new laser facility at AWE Aldermaston. This is the first phase of a Strategy Development to enable tests to be carried out on nuclear weapons without recourse to underground testing.