The UK scores poorly among nuclear-capable states for the security of its nuclear infrastructure and the quantities of nuclear materials it holds, according to a study by the influential Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI).
Nuclear materials latest news
Safety watchdog: Atomic Weapons Establishment ‘exposed people to risk’
An investigation by the government's nuclear safety watchdog has found “clear evidence” that the structure of a nuclear processing facility at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) has degraded to the extent that “normal operations can no longer be justified”.
NIS Update: August 2012
This month's NIS Update includes information on plans to hand over the RNAD Coulport Trident nuclear weapons store to private sector contractors; delays in hearing the court case resulting from the August 2010 fire at the Atomic Weapons Establishment, and arrangements for power range testing the nuclear reactor on board the Royal Navy's new Astute class submarine, HMS Ambush.
NIS Update: June 2012
Scottish ministers have welcomed a practical guide, drawn up by the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (SCND), on how to dismantle the Trident nuclear weapons system and remove it from Scotland within two years of independence.
NIS Update: November – December 2011
A redacted copy of Trident Value For Money Review documents has recently been released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request made by Greenpeace UK. The review took place in 2010 as part of the Strategic Defence and Security Review process but has never been officially published by the government. -
NIS warns of risks of plutonium nuclear fuel fabrication
Photo: The plutonium storage vault at Sellafield.
NIS Update: February 2011
The Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) has submitted a planning application to West Berkshire Council to extend the time limit for construction of a new conventional manufacturing rationalisation (CMR) facility at AWE Burghfield.
NIS Update: August – September 2010
Government must consult openly on Plutonium management
The government must consult in an open and transparent manner on
proposals for the long term management of plutonium says NIS in response to a consultation paper on options for the long term management of plutonium. -
NIS calls for end to plutonium production
NIS has called for the UK's stocks of plutonium to be treated as waste, and for production of plutonium to cease as quickly as possible.
Hansard on Nuclear Materials Transport, 2nd June 2008
A follow up question is to be put to discover the number of SEG operations for 2007/8 and if existing nuclear materials load carriers means the existing TCHDs (due for replacement as stated) or SNM vehicles – SMVs that NW has spotted only twice in a year.
2 Jun 2008 : Column 693W* -
Plutonium Shipment to France, Contamination Risk for Southern England.
*Plutonium Shipment*
Under a commercial agreement between AREVA and Sellafield Limited, plutonium to be used in MOX fuel fabrication is being shipped between the Sellafield plant in Great Britain and the Melox plant in southern France. Today, the plutonium was delivered to the La Hague plant to be repackaged in canisters capable of being handled by the equipment at the Melox plant, where it will subsequently be shipped. Sellafield Limited contracted with Melox to fabricate MOX fuel for its utility customers.